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Mindfulness Mentoring

Russell developed Pathways to Mindfulness  as a way to help people integrate the profound knowledge of the Beatitudes into their life.  From a Western perspective, mindfulness is  about learning to pause  in each moment and consider how you could embrace  yourself, others, and the planet in a kinder, more loving way. It's the commitment to being mindful of this choice that results in a better quality of life. One of Russell's clients described it as 'a spiritual path that results in practical love-centred living.'

About the Program

Almost everyone encounters a 'dark night of the soul' experience at least once in their life. Whether it's a loss of love, a failure, financial stress, or feeling disempowered, unresolved, a dark night really hurts. From his own dark night experiences, Russell personally knows that depth of suffering, but also knows how to resolve it mindfully. He can walk beside you on your journey of healing.


The process has been packaged in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step workbook, and although Pathways to Mindfulness (PTM) was derived from ancient christian teachings, there are no biblical references or language in the process. PTM has also proven to be aligned with the latest research regarding neuroplasticity and neural pathway development

Russell delivers Pathways to Mindfulness as either a full program (25 sessions) or as a short course (8 session). Where the full program is more successful at helping you to integrate the process into your life,  the Short Course shows you what needs to be done, and gives you the tools to do it. How successfully you integrate the knowledge into your life will depend on your commitment to using the framework once the course has ended. 


Sessions are typically 90 minutes in duration and take place online. You will also receive a high quality workbook and journal that you will use throughout the duration of the program.

Note: Russell also delivers the short course online in groups of up to 8 people.

What People Say

"I am eternally grateful for the mentoring I have received from Russell. I have a much better understanding of why I react to the things I do. Russell has given me the tools to consistently respond from a place of love. Love for myself, love for others, and love for the planet. If peace is your highest priority - Russell will help light your path to that peace. Committing to his teachings has been one of the best investments I have made towards self realization. Make the commitment with Russell, you will not be disappointed."

Craig M

From Depression With Love

Russell makes an appearance in this upcoming documentary  sharing wisdom on why so many people in todays world feel  worth-less, and how when this belief is sustained, it can be the catalyst for depression.

Make an Appointment

Schedule a time to chat with Russell to find out more about Pathways to Mindfulness, and how he will be able to support you on your spiritual journey. 

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